Part 1: What is Ultima IX: Ascension?

Ultima was a computer role playing game franchise created by a mildly anachronistic man named Richard "Lord British" Garriott. To this day it is one of the longest-running game franchises in history, spanning 17 games and 10 expansion packs. Ultima IX is the tenth game in the numbered series.
After Electronic Arts bought Origin Systems, the Ultima series slowly drifted toward becoming an action series. Ultima IX was meant to punctuate the end of an amazing trilogy of trilogies, but thanks to EA's influence it became less like an exclamation point and more like six pages of ellipses followed by a question mark.
Ultima IX is not finished. To simply finish the game you need to know dozens of cheap tricks and exploits. You need to know where to jump to avoid the polygons that cause your computer to hard lock. You need to know where to find key items, because the NPCs that tell you where they are were never added. You need to be able to navigate 3D slideshows with nothing but a compass and a stopwatch, because Ultima IX will drive even the newest computer to its knees.
It's been 8 years since Ultima IX came out and Ultima fans are still whining about it, and now I'll show you why.
Cast of Characters:
The Avatar
Lord British

Lord British is originally from Earth. He stumbled into a magical portal while perusing the wares at a local renaissance faire and landed in what he originally thought was the world's largest SCA meeting. By bringing modern Earth concepts of law, morality and a smattering of technology to this ancient and primitive world, he was crowned king. And also because he's immortal and virtually indestructible.
Lord Blackthorn

The Guardian


A giant glowing column bursts from the ground and slices its way to the heavens. This farmer looks quite concerned.

And then he gets crushed by a rock.

The rich barotone of Hawkwind the Seer slices through the morning air, jolting the Avatar from his stupor.

I don't know if the Avatar is hung over, but I like to pretend he is.

Television brings back sad memories.

This is sage advice. It's also one of the only times you are ever told what to do in the entire game.


Ultima IX features the occasional bout of creative interactivity. For instance, with this bread machine we can make the most important item in the game.

First we add flour, and an egg. Then we add my special "secret ingredient"

This loaf of death will help us cope with this EA product placement-infested hellhole. Let's take it with us for now.

This is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. We're on easy street now guys!
Now let's hurry up and get out of here, before the EA ads find us.

It seems the Avatar lives in a state park near Austin. Hmm.
Clicking on that telescope makes your computer hard lock, so let's keep going!

It appears an itinerant ethnic minority is trying to establish a home near my upper-middle class community. Not on my watch!

If you can remember this line of dialogue the game becomes about 20% shorter. For the sake of this playthrough I'm going to pretend to forget, but think about that for a second.

So what will it be, guys? Will the Avatar be a damn dirty